
At the start of this month, much to my relief I learned that reluctance to change is quite natural (hence understandable by a little extension and few assumptions). Coincidentally just a few weeks earlier, at least two of my ex-classmates noted "I haven't changed much". Naturally and not too surprisingly, I did retort that I never promised any change the way Barrack Obama did spectacularly.  However on a purely objective note, it needs to be said that they in fact were and still are equally guilty of the same reluctance in my humble opinions. 

Having said that, I guess I can stop worrying about not yet becoming close to what I "intended" to change (as part of an assignment) - it included blogging about the "progress" too. I hope I'll appear to attempt at least. Whether change is impossible, difficult, or something that you must appear to attempt, over time I have become more and more acceptable to the idea that "we are never too late to change". 


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