Lest we forget....

This aptly-worded phrase, or variant(s) - as we all know - concludes the ANZAC day dawn services, and is inscribed on Allied war memorials around the globe.  Yes, indeed we ought to always remember fallen troops whom we honour every ANZAC day, or Remembrance Sunday, or Veterans day.

Rather coincidentally, a friend of mine posted this youtube video of Akon's "Freedom". Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW_3Nl2vVsA

While on the close inspection of the lyrics one can justifiably argue that the song is written from the point of view of a disenfranchised American, the images mostly from Africa glaringly tell everyone why they should always remember those we will honour tomorrow. Unfortunately yet factually, those images come from corners of the world  where despotic rule is as literally and figuratively endemic as poverty and warlords. If not for the soldiers who fought in the two World Wars against those who intended to dominate the world by their diktat,
we could had been wanting freedom the mentioned parts of the world do not have. 
Picture of the Allied Memorial in Yangon, Myanmar, http://www.goldenpagodatravel.com/images/warcemetry1.jpg

Mang, K. - who posted the youtube link above on his facebook page.



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